There’s something about being a homeowner and accomplishing a task by yourself without asking for professional help that just makes you feel amazing. Whether it’s painting a room, replacing your garbage disposal, or even replacing the flapper on a toilet – you just tend to feel like a superhero! Too bad, there’s no cape. These days it’s just a mask for your face.
If you read our blog about maintenance for various units in your home, then you might remember the part about your water heater. Fuzzy memory? No worries. In that blog, we advise that it’s best to have your water heater, tanked or tankless, flushed once a year. That’s right – once a year. Many people who have a tanked water heater will attempt to flush it themselves, but sometimes it’s better to have a professional come in and take care of that for you.
Why is that? Depending on the type of water heater you have, it might need a different kind of flush or different kind of attention.
What If You Have A Traditional Water Heater?
If you have a traditional tanked water heater, a plumber will drain the water from the unit with a hose. Once it’s empty, the plumber can better determine if anything is deteriorating and or needs attention. If so, they might have the necessary part on their truck that might not be available to you at stores such as Home Depot or Lowes.
Tankless Water Heaters Have Different Requirements
Tankless water heaters will require specific attention due to how they’re designed and the kind of flush they require. For example, there’s a particular type of descaling solution for tankless water heaters to help with the calcium build-up from hard water that’s prevalent here in New Mexico. Also, just like the tanked water heater, if any parts are necessary, the technician will most likely be able to help you while they’re at your home.
Generally, if your water heater is in good condition and doesn’t need any repairs, it can start producing hot water again within a few hours. If it’s an older model, it may take up to 24 hours. Your technician can better predict how long it will take for you to wash with hot water again.
Our Plumbers Can Do More Than Simply Flush Your Water Heater
Not only can a plumber help flush your water heater and replace any necessary parts, but they can also determine if your water heater is up to code. What does it mean to be “up to code?” This means the current safety code to ensure that you and your loved ones are protected. Again, your technician will notify you if the water heater, tanked or tankless, is up to code or not and what needs to be done to bring it up to the current code.
The water heater experts with Albuquerque Plumbing Heating & Cooling can not only flush your water heater, but they can repair and install a new water heater for you, if necessary. And don’t forget the Ruud water heater service plan, where you can get a new water heater for as little as $39.99 a month, including maintenance and repairs! Give us a call, and we’ll help with all of your water heater needs.
Learn more about our water heater services in the following locations:
- Albuquerque water heaters
- Corrales water heaters
- Los Ranchos water heaters
- Placitas water heaters
- Rio Rancho water heaters
- Bosque Farms water heaters
Not around here? Well, then check out the 5-star Denver boiler and heater services offered by our friends over at Brothers Plumbing Heating Electric!