I’m going to start this blog on a bit of a rant, so hang in there with me. I have a love/hate relationship with Valentine’s Day. I love how there’s a day devoted to just an outpouring of love to the people who mean the most to you in your life, whether it’s your kids, spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, and your friends. I mean, who doesn’t love love?
But as a singleton, let me tell you something…it’s also a sucky kind of day. Everyone is in love with everyone but you, there’s candy on the shelves that you’ll have to buy for yourself because no one else will buy them for you, and then there are all the love songs on the radio that day. I can tell you from experience that the worst radio show to listen to on Valentine’s is the Delilah Radio Show. You know the one – it comes on in the evenings, and people call in to dedicate a song to their soul mate or to the person they’ve wronged and want back.
In fact, February 15th is considered Singles Awareness Day. I think this is absolutely ridiculous because anyone who’s single can tell you that they feel especially single ON Valentine’s Day, NOT the day after. On top of that, those of us who are single are aware on a daily basis of our relationship status. So, no need to give us a day. Thanks, but no thanks.
Phew! Glad I got that out of my system!
In A Relationship? Here’s A Few Ideas For Making Your COVID Valentine’s Day Special
Now, for those of you who are in a relationship, or maybe going on a first date on Valentine’s, you’re probably looking for something to do. Thankfully, the special day falls on a Sunday this year, so you and your sweetheart can enjoy the evening on the weekend and not have to rush home from work.
However, thanks to the pandemic that won’t end, people are having to get creative with how they will spend the day. If you live with your significant other, then I’m guessing the odds are good that either you’ll make dinner at home or order takeout and spend the night indoors. Am I close?
But what if you’re in a new relationship? Many places aren’t going to have open doors on Valentine’s Day for you to visit in person, so this is where the creativity will come in. There are online cooking classes and other virtual events you can take part in while at home and in your comfy pants. There may be a few places that will be open to the public and will also be practicing COVID safety precautions. Your best bet will be to go online and see what the businesses are doing and if that aligns with your plans.
Check out this website for ideas on what you can do with your special someone: https://allevents.in/albuquerque/valentines-day.
How Are We Spending Valentine’s Day This Year?
How am I spending my Valentine’s this year? While I consider myself to be a real-life Bridget Jones, I’ll actually be spending the day with my 4-year-old son. I imagine that he and I will be lounging around the house and eating candy together. And that works for us.
The rest of the team with Albuquerque Plumbing Heating & Cooling will be spending their day with their loved ones and making special plans. We ask that if you go out, that you make sure to continue to wear your masks and maintain social distancing. Hopefully, soon we can be with our loved ones every day of the year, not just on Valentine’s or the other holidays.