It is important to schedule regular Swamp Cooler Maintenance. Your specific maintenance program will vary depending on the type of air conditioning system you have. Here in Albuquerque, swamp coolers are common. Swamp coolers require maintenance twice a year, in the spring to prepare for the hot summer months, and finally in the fall to maintain your system through the freezing winter months.
Fall Swamp Cooler Maintenance
Winter is coming. Temperatures in Albuquerque can drop below freezing, so you are not going to be needing your evaporative air conditioning system for a few of months. It is important that water supplies are turned off and disconnected. If water freezes inside your pipes, or air conditioning unit, it could cause irreparable damage. Drain all the water from the swamp cooler’s pan. Cover the unit to keep it protected through the winter. Finally, your Albuquerque Plumbing service professional should turn on your furnace. Out with the cool air, and in with the warm!
If you ignore your cooling system maintenance, it is likely your unit will soon break down completely. A penny in prevention is worth a dollar in cures. The installation for a new unit could cost anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000. A few hundred dollars spent now will save you thousands in the long run.
Save yourself time, effort, and money by calling Albuquerque Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling to schedule your fall maintenance appointment. Call (505)-349-4404 today!
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