Every time I picture the beginning of the school year, I always picture what I’ve seen in movies, TV and even friends’ pictures on social media. Fall leaves on the ground, kids dressed in their best for the first day of school and the overall feeling of autumn.
However, the first day of school doesn’t usually look like that here in New Mexico. We usually have some summer heat still lingering, and we don’t feel the cool off and the fall feelings until sometime in mid to late September. That doesn’t stop happy and proud parents from taking pictures of their smiling kids on their first day of school.
There’s also another thing to consider going into the new school year – children wearing masks at school. This year is different because now I see pictures of kids with and without masks. Some of the pictures are taken in front of their school, others are taken in front of their homes. With many kiddos heading back to the classroom in person, what does this mean for the different school districts and nervous (and eager) parents?
Complying With Mask Requirements
Rio Rancho public schools have mandated that students, teachers and faculty in the elementary schools wear their face masks indoors regardless of their vaccination status. However, they don’t have to wear their masks outdoors.
If middle school and high school students in Rio Rancho choose not to wear a mask while on campus, they will need to obtain a “mask pass” from the school district to show proof that they are fully vaccinated. Also, this pass will need to be carried with them at all times.
What about students, teachers and faculty in Albuquerque schools? Well, unfortunately, the same choice is not offered. Everyone on campus must wear a mask, regardless of their vaccination status. Elementary school, middle school, high school…doesn’t matter. Everyone has to wear a mask.
This raises questions about the in-person enrollment numbers for both school districts. The official numbers on who will stay home and participate in virtual education versus physically in the classroom won’t be seen for a few more weeks.
The Choice Is Yours
Whether you’ve chosen to keep your munchkins (big or small) at home, or if you’ve been pushing them out the front door, the decision is one that’s right for you and your family. Maybe you need your sanity back after having them in the house with you 24/7 for the past year and a half. Maybe you have become accustomed to each other, and it works better for your family to keep everyone home. Again, the choice is yours.
Many of the team members with Albuquerque Plumbing Heating & Cooling are parents, and each of us make what we feel is the right decision for ourselves and our families. Some of the parents in our office are thrilled for their children to go back to the classroom, but they’re also hesitant while they keep an eye on the health status of the state.
While you’re taking care of your family, we’ll help take care of your home and all its plumbing, HVAC and electrical needs. Also, if you like, we’ll also make sure to wear a mask for your health and safety anytime we’re working at your home. We will continue to do our part so your family can have a safe and wonderful school year! Wish we could do something about the homework.