It has finally cooled off here in New Mexico, and I couldn’t be more thrilled. I love fall, with the leaves changing colors and the cooler weather. Some people get excited to wear their favorite sweater or enjoy all things pumpkin spice. I’m not a fan of the stuff, by the way.
While I do enjoy lounging around the house in comfy pants, thick socks and a hoodie, that’s not why I look forward to fall. I enjoy making the comfort foods, like stew, soup or other foods that give you the all-around comfy feeling. But my favorite thing to make in the fall (and winter), is hot cocoa in the slow cooker. It feels like it takes forever, but it’s rich and delicious and well worth the wait.
Now that we finally have the cooler weather we’ve been pining for, there’s a lot of things to do with the family and friends that we couldn’t do in the summer.
Time To Visit Your Local Pumpkin Patch!
Going to pumpkin patches is one of those things. The two big ones to go to every year are McCall’s Pumpkin Patch in Moriarty, and Galloping Goat in Rio Rancho. I’m going to drop a truth bomb here in this blog – I’ve never been to McCall’s. I’ve lived here for 27 years, and I’ve never been. It’s on my list of things to do, but I don’t want to wait in long lines and pay high prices to get in. I’ve been to Galloping Goat, and it was fun. My son enjoyed it, and I look forward to going back.
Naturally, Halloween is just around the corner. This means that we’ll have happy and eager trick-or-treaters at our doors in their cute or scary costumes. I’ll be one of those parents taking their kiddo door to door. Best part of Halloween? Splitting the candy with your kids!
But don’t forget trunk-or-treat. Kids love this fun take on going door to door. But instead of ringing doors, the kids are walking up to cars with treats in the trunk.
Social Media Is A Great Source For Fun Fall Festivities!
If you’re looking for other options of what to do, social media can be an amazing tool to help find things to do. A quick Facebook search for events going on this week, or in the future, can be the ticket to keeping everyone entertained.
The team with Albuquerque Plumbing Heating & Cooling loves the fall and all the activities we can do with our friends, families and fellow team members. It’s wonderful to get out and enjoy the fall weather while bonding over a shared experience and creating memories. We’re excited to get out and enjoy the fall activities, and we hope to see you out there at every event!